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With their peculiar dimensions - the length of more than ordinary bricks but only 50 mm high, Linear bricks create a rustic and sophisticated look. Linear bricks provide a more intricate appearance with the traditionally beautiful material yet maintaining the rich texture and color contrast expected from a brick masonry façade


tl60 linear red
TL61 linear red olde
tl62 linear york blend
tl63 linear warsaw pink
tl64 linear farmhouse blend
tl6064 brighton ember blend
tl67 linear vincent yellow
tl67 (w) southampton yellow linear
ctl67 (w) southampton yellow linear
tl68 linear brampton brown
tl69 linear phoenix grey
tl70 linear graphite
tl71 linear lhasa white
tl72 linear manchester red
tl73 linear ashdown multi
tl7369 new york linear grey
tl74 weathered vincent linear
tl77 brampton brown linear
tl75 ivory linear
tl78 sydney grey linear
tl64rt burnt wood linear
tl79 derby yellow linear
tl80 berlin linear red
tl501 royal red roman magnum
tl502 colosseum roman magnum
tl503 venice roman magnu
tl504 greenwood roman magnum
tl505 lucca roman magnum